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Grid Products API Reference / Phygrid Developers

Grid Products API Reference

This is the API reference for integrating with Grid Products. It provides detailed information on endpoints, authentication, and examples for retrieving, updating, and managing your product data.

Postman Collection

For easy testing and configuration, you can import our ready-to-use Postman collection into Postman.

Configuration Notes:

  1. URL Placeholders: Replace <tenant-id>, <environment>, and <space-id> with your actual values.
  2. Data Residency: Replace <data-residency> with one of the following: eu, us, in, au, or uae.
  3. Headers: Set the x-api-key or Authorization header to your generated access token from the Grid Console.


To use the Grid Products API, every request requires an access token. Here's how to generate one:

  1. Go to the Apps → Developer tab in the Phygrid Console.
  2. Generate an access token.
  3. Add the token as an x-api-key in your request headers.

URL Overview

The {base-url} for the Grid Products API varies based on your data residency. Use the correct region-specific URL from the table below:


Replace {tenant-id} with your tenant ID and {environment} with the environment where your products data will live (e.g., dev, staging).

Endpoints Overview

Here's a quick overview of available API endpoints:

GET/productsReturns a list of products.
GET/products/{id}Retrieves a specific product by ID.
GET/products-barcode/{barcode}Retrieves a specific product by barcode.
GET/searchSearches products or product types by keyword.
POST/products/pushPushes products into the database.
DELETE/productsRemoves specified products by ID.
PATCH/productsUpdates products in the database.
POST/products-pushPushes products into a specific space.
PATCH/variantsUpdates variant-level information.
GET/product-typesReturns a list of product types.
GET/product-types/{id}Retrieves a specific product type by ID.
POST/product-typesPushes product types into the database.
DELETE/product-typesRemoves specified product types by ID.

Working with Products

Fetch Products

Retrieve products with a GET request:

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products
POST {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products

For large requests (>2k characters) we recommend performing the same call using POST method instead to avoid URL-length limitations.


  list: Array<Partial<GridProduct>>,
  count: number,
  facets:  {  [propertyName]: FacetResults[] },
  attributeFilters: { [key]: string[] }

Reference: GridProduct

Query Parameters

Use the following parameters as GET properties in the URL to refine your results:

searchstringSearch for products by keyword.Desks
limitnumberMax number of results to return (default: 50).100
pagenumberPagination (default: 1).1
selectstringSpecify which fields to return (comma-separated).productName, productPrice
filterobjectApply filters using a query string.{"gt": ["price", 10]}
sortstringSort results (e.g., field asc or field desc).price asc

GET Product by ID

Retrieve a specific product by its ID:

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products/{productGroupId}


Returns Partial<GridProduct>

Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

productGroupIdstringThe ID of the Product100001
selectstringList of selected fields to be returned (comma-separated)productGroupId, productName, productDescription
filterstringQuery string to use for filtering results based on filterable fields (operators and string values should be enclosed in double quotes){"gt": ["productPriceList/listPrice", 10]}
includeProductsByVariantsByGroupIdbooleanFlag to merge in response the variants related info based on matching variantsByGroupId fieldfalse

GET Product By Barcode

Retrieves a specific product by barcode ID. Variants checked:

  • globalTradeItemNumber
  • europeanArticleNumber
  • universalProductCode
GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products-barcode/{barcode}


    productDetails: Partial<GridProduct>,
    productId: string

Reference: GridProduct

Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

barcodestringBarcode ID0999999999993
selectstringList of selected fields to be returned (comma-separated)productGroupId, productName, productDescription
filterstringQuery string to use for filtering results based on filterable fields (operators and string values should be enclosed in double quotes){"gt": ["productPriceList/listPrice", 10]}
includeProductsByVariantsByGroupIdbooleanFlag to merge in response the variants related info based on matching variantsByGroupId fieldfalse

Searches products or product types by keyword.



  products: Array<Partial<GridProduct>>,
  productTypes: Array<ProductType>

Reference: GridProduct, ProductType

Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

termstringQuery to search forDesk
selectstringList of selected fields to be returned (comma-separated)productGroupId, productName, productDescription

GET Product Recommendations by ID

Retrieves a list of product recommendations taken from RelatedProductGroups

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/product-recommendations/{productGroupId}



Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

productGroupIdstringThe ID of the Product100001

POST Push Products

This API allows you to upload or merge products following the GridProduct format. The only required field is productGroupId , while other fields are optional.


The body of the request should be an Array of GridProducts JSON format using the content-type header application/json.

data<Partial<GridProduct>>An array of Partial<GridProduct>. This can be a list of products in full GridProduct format or Partial<GridProduct> to update specific product fields.


Please ensure that the productGroupId is always included in the payload.

You have the flexibility to send either a single product field, multiple fields, or the entire product in your payload.

productNameProductName[]replaceThe product name will be updated with the new value.
productShortDescriptionProductShortDescription[]replaceProduct short description will be updated with the new value.
productInternalNameproductInternalName[]replaceProduct internal name will be updated with the new value.
storageInstructionsProductStorageInstructions[]replaceProduct storage instructions will be updated with the new value.
consumerStorageInstructionProductConsumerStorageInstruction[]replaceProduct consumer storage instructions will be updated with the new value.
productShippingInstructionProductShippingInstruction[]replaceProduct shipping instructions will be updated with the new value.
productTypeArray<string>replaceProduct type will be updated with the new value.
productLabelProductLabel[]replaceProduct label will be updated with the new value.
productTagsProductTags[]replaceProduct tags will be updated with the new value.
brandProductBrand[]replaceProduct brand will be updated with the new value.
productVendorProductVendor[]replaceProduct vendor will be updated with the new value.
productDescriptionproductDescription[]replaceProduct description will be replaced with the new value.
variantsVariant[]mergeIt will merge and update product variants array based on productId and productGroupId.
productFeatureProductFeature[]mergeIt will merge and update product features array based on productId.
productPriceListproductPriceList[]mergeIt will merge and update product prices array based on productId and spaceId.
productStatusProductStatus[]mergeIt will merge and update product status array based on spaceId.
catalogPageLocationProductCatalogPageLocationProduct[]mergeIt will merge and update product catalogue array based on productId and productGroupId.
customPropertiesCustomProperties[]mergeIt will merge and update product custom properties array based on key and spaceId.
productItemQuantityProductItemQuantity[]mergeIt will merge and update product quantity array based on productId and spaceId.

We will provide two payload examples to illustrate both the replace and merge operations:

  1. When sending the productName and productDescription in the payload, both of these fields will undergo updates, with the existing values being replaced by the new ones.

      curl --location '{base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products-push' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
     "data": [
                 "productGroupId": "<product-group-id>",
                 "productName": [
                         "isoLanguageId": "en-GB",
                         "productName": "<product-name>"
                         "isoLanguageId": "en-US",
                         "productName": "<product-name>"
                 "productDescription": [
                         "isoLanguageId": "en-GB",
                         "productDescription": "<product-description>"
                         "isoLanguageId": "en-US",
                         "productDescription": "<product-description>    "
  2. When including the roductPriceList and productItemQuantity in the payload, these fields will be subject to updates through a merge operation using the productId and spaceId as key parameters.

    curl --location '{base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products-push' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
             "productGroupId": "xxxxxxx",
             "productPriceList": [
                   "isoLanguageId": "en-GB",
                   "productId": "xxxxxxx",
                   "isoCurrencyCode": "EUR",
                   "listPrice": 1140,
                   "priceListType": "Standard",
                   "spaceId": "xxxxxxx"
                   "isoLanguageId": "en-GB",
                   "productId": "xxxxxxx",
                   "isoCurrencyCode": "USD",
                   "listPrice": 11401,
                   "priceListType": "Standard",
                   "spaceId": "xxxxxxx"
             "productItemQuantity": [
                   "productId": "xxxxxxx",
                   "productItemQuantity": 90,
                   "spaceId": "xxxxxxx"
                   "productId": "xxxxxxx",
                   "productItemQuantity": 910,
                   "spaceId": "xxxxxxx"

The spaceIds array is not included in the request payload. Instead, it is automatically populated based on the values of productPriceList, productStatus, and productItemQuantity.

Limitations: 100 products per batch

DELETE Space Products

This API detaches products from space by sending an array of productGroupId. It will remove these products from the specified space and any relevant subfields in the GridProduct that are related to this space.


dataArray<string>An array of productGroupId['045xxx','046xxx',...]


Upon a successful request, the API will return a JSON response with status information for each product removed.

    "data": [
            "productGroupId": "045xxx",
            "status": 202
            "productGroupId": "046xxx",
            "status": 202

DELETE Products

Removes products from the Grid Products database based on specified ID's

DELETE {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products
dataArray<string>List of product ID's to be removed from the database["1001", "1002"]

PATCH (Update) Products

Updates products with the fields specified in the data object. Shallow-update is performed. Fields not passed in this call will remain the same. Fields containing Arrays or Objects will be completely overwritten.

PATCH {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/products

List of products with fields in GridProduct format to update to the Database

Limitations: 100 records per batch

GET Product Variant

Retrieves a specific variant by ID

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/variants/{productId}


Returns [VariantInfo](data-model)

Query Parameters

productIdstringThe ID of the Product variant100001

PATCH (Update) Variants

Updates variants with the fields specified in the data object without requiring the product's productGroupId. Shallow-update is performed. Fields not passed in this call stay the same. Fields containing Arrays or Objects (productPriceList and productItemQuantity) with the matching specified variant's productId and spaceId only will be upserted.

PATCH {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/variants

Query Parameters


List of variants level information with fields in VariantUpdateFields format to update to the Database


Flag to upsert spaceId values from the productItemQuantity and productPriceList fields to the main product’s spaceIds field

Reference: [VariantUpdateFields](data-model)

Product Types

GET Product Types List

Returns list of product types associated with the tenant id and environment

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/product-types


Returns Array<ProductType>

Query Parameters

idsstringList of product types ids to be returnedFurniture, Tech

GET Product Type Details

Returns details of a specific product type

GET {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/product-types/{productTypeId}


Returns [ProductType](data-model)

Query Parameters

productTypeIdstringProduct type ID to be returnedFurniture

POST Product Types

Update or insert product types to database


Returns Array<[OperationResponse](>

Limitations: 100 product types documents per batch

Reference: ProductType

DELETE Product Types

Removes product types from the Grid Products database based on specified ids

DELETE {base-url}/{tenant-id}/{environment}/product-types


Returns Array<{ id: string; status: number; }>

Query Parameters

dataArray<string>List of product type IDs to remove from Grid Products database["Furniture", "Tech"]

Reference: ProductType

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