To learn about the definition of each field, check out the Field Definitions reference guide.
Grid Product
interface GridProduct {
productGroupId: string;
// spaceIds will hold the list of spaceId where item is visible
spaceIds: Array<string>;
productShortDescription?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productShortDescription: string;
productInternalName?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productInternalName: string;
introductionDate?: string;
plannedAbandonmentDate?: string;
storageInstructions?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
storageInstructions: string;
shellLifeDays?: number; // int32
consumerStorageInstruction?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
consumerStorageInstruction: string;
productShippingInstruction?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productShippingInstruction: string;
productName: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productName: string;
productDescription: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productDescription: string;
relatedProductGroups?: Array<{
relatedProductGroupId: string;
productRelationshipType: ProductRelationshipTypes;
// Variants
variants: Array<{
productId: string; // Item variant Id
productGroupId: string;
globalTradeItemNumber?: Array<string>;
gtinName?: Array<string>;
europeanArticleNumber?: Array<string>;
universalProductCode?: Array<string>;
// Item variant name (optional)
productName?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productName: string;
periodStartDate?: string;
periodEndDate?: string;
color?: string;
colorImageUrl?: string;
style?: string;
size?: string;
brand?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
brandName: string;
brandDescription?: string;
brandMark?: string;
brandTrademark?: string;
brandLogo?: string;
productStatus: Array<{
productStatus: ProductStatusEnum;
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
spaceId: string;
periodStartDate?: string;
periodEndDate?: string;
productStatusNote?: string;
productFeature?: Array<{
productId: string; // variant's productId
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productFeatureType: string;
productFeatureValue: string;
// Product Price based on type (Standard or Promotional)
productPriceList: Array<{
productId: string; // variant's productId
priceListType: PriceListTypeEnum; // 'Standard' OR 'Promotional'
listPrice: number; // float32
spaceId: string;
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
isoCurrencyCode: string;
pricingUomId?: string;
periodStartTimestamp?: string;
periodEndTimestamp?: string;
suggestedRetailPrice?: number; // float32
// Images
catalogPageLocationProduct: Array<{
productId: string; // variant's productId
productGroupId: string;
catalogType: string; // Ex. "image/png", "video/mp4"
catalogPage?: string; // Ex. Root URL of client media site
catalogPageLocation?: string; // Ex. Product URL appended to root URL of client page
catalogPageLocationProduct: string; // Entire URL value
// Product Type (referenced from ProductType's "ProductTypeId" database)
productType: Array<string>;
// Product Labels - displayed like stickers
productLabel?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
spaceId: string;
productLabel: string; // Ex. Online Exclusive
// Product Tags to increase searchability of a product
productTags?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productTags: Array<string>;
// Product Quantity per variant
productItemQuantity?: Array<{
productId: string; // variant's productId
spaceId: string;
productItemQuantityStartDate?: string;
productItemQuantityEndDate?: string;
productItemQuantity: number; // int32
productVendor?: Array<{
vendorId: string;
productVendor: string;
periodStartDate?: string;
periodEndDate?: string;
variantsGroupId?: string;
interface VariantInfo {
productId: string;
productGroupId: string;
globalTradeItemNumber?: Array<string>;
gtinName?: Array<string>;
europeanArticleNumber?: Array<string>;
universalProductCode?: Array<string>;
// Item variant name (optional)
productName?: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productName: string;
periodStartDate?: string;
periodEndDate?: string;
color?: string;
colorImageUrl?: string;
style?: string;
size?: string;
// Fields related to productGroup but response is filtered with the specified productId
spaceIds: string[];
productName: ProductName[];
productDescription: ProductDescription[];
catalogPageLocationProduct: CatalogPageLocationProduct[];
productLabel: ProductLabel[];
productPriceList: ProductPriceList[];
productItemQuantity: ProductItemQuantity[];
interface VariantUpdateFields {
productId: string; // variant's productId
globalTradeItemNumber?: Array<string>;
gtinName?: Array<string>;
europeanArticleNumber?: Array<string>;
universalProductCode?: Array<string>;
productName?: VariantProductName[];
periodStartDate?: string;
periodEndDate?: string;
color?: string;
style?: string;
size?: string;
// Values only pertaining to the specified productId of variant
productPriceList?: Array<{
productId: string;
priceListType: PriceListTypeEnum; // 'Standard' OR 'Promotional'
listPrice: number; // float32
spaceId: string;
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
isoCurrencyCode: string;
pricingUomId?: string;
periodStartTimestamp?: string;
periodEndTimestamp?: string;
suggestedRetailPrice?: number; // float32
// Values only pertaining to the specified productId of variant
productFeature?: Array<{
productId: string;
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
productFeatureType: string;
productFeatureValue: string;
// Values only pertaining to the specified productId of variant
productItemQuantity?: Array<{
productId: string;
spaceId: string;
productItemQuantityStartDate?: string;
productItemQuantityEndDate?: string;
productItemQuantity: number; // int32
Note: ProductTypeId field should be used as value for a products ProductType field
type ProductType = {
isRoot: boolean;
parentId: string;
productTypeId: string;
title: Array<{
isoLanguageId: IsoLanguageIds;
label: string;
path?: string;
Enums and Interfaces
enum PriceListTypeEnum {
Standard = 'Standard',
Promotional = 'Promotional',
enum ProductStatusEnum {
Active = 'Active',
Inactive = 'Inactive',
Discontinued = 'Discontinued',
Dormant = 'Dormant',
Frozen = 'Frozen',
Replaced = 'Replaced',
Obsolete = 'Obsolete',
Abandoned = 'Abandoned',
Blocked = 'Blocked',
enum ProductRelationshipTypes {
Recommended = "Recommended"
For IsoLanguageIds we use BCP-47 tags, meaning language-region structure. Some examples below.
enum IsoLanguageIds {
en_GB = 'en-GB',
en_US = 'en-US',
se_SE = 'se-SE',
type Space = {
id: string;
organizationId: string;
displayName: string;
type: 'location' | 'section' | 'custom'; // defaults to location
longitude: number;
latitude: number;
notes?: string;
externalId: string;