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Spaces API Reference / Phygrid Developers

Spaces API Reference

Postman Collection

For easy configuration and testing, here's a Postman collection you can import into Postman.

Download the Postman Collection

Configuration Notes:

Before making API requests, update the following placeholders and headers to match your setup:

  1. URL Placeholders: Replace <tenant-id>, <environment>, and <space-id> with your specific tenant, environment, and space values.
  2. Data Residency: Replace <data-residency> with one of these options: eu, us, in, au, or uae.
  3. Headers: For Products API: Set x-api-key to your access token. For Spaces API: Use the Authorization header with the value Bearer <access token>.


To use the Grid Products API, every request requires an access token. Here's how to generate one:

  1. Go to the Apps → Developer tab in the Phygrid Console.
  2. Generate an Access Token.
  3. Add Authorization in the API request header, with the Bearer <access token> as value for the Spaces related endpoints below

URLs Overview

The following endpoints are available in the Spaces API currently.

Grid Admin API:

In every endpoint you will need to replace {base-url} with the URL specified above.

GETspacesReturns a list of tenant’s spaces
GETspaces/{id}Retrieves specific space by ID
POSTspacesCreates a space record into the database
DELETEspacesRemoves specified space ID from the database
PUTspaces/{id}Update specified space in the database
DELETEspaces/{spaceId}/productsRemoves products from space


GET Spaces List

Returns a list of tenant's spaces.

GET {base-url}/spaces

Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

organizationIdstringThe tenant id in grid console61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



GET Space by ID

Retrieves specific space by ID.

GET {base-url}/spaces/{id}

Query Parameters

To use query parameters, add them as GET properties to the URL.

idstringThe ID of the space61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Reference: Space

POST (Create) Space

Creates a space record

POST {base-url}/spaces


The body of the request should be a Space JSON format using the content-type header application/json.

organizationIdstringThe organization/tenant where the space will be created61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
displayNamestringThe name of the space to be displayedStore #1
typestringThe type of the space (location, section, custom)location
longitudenumberLongitude of the space59.32960273523599
latitudenumberLatitude of the space18.06886331765492
externalIdstringId of the space managed externallystore_1
countrystringThe name of the countrySweden
statestringThe name of the stateSweden
citystringThe name of the cityStockholm
addressstringThe addressStreet#1
postcodestringRepresents the postal code111 37
weeklyScheduleobjectThe normal opening hours{"0": {"from": "08:00", "to": "17:30", "isOpen": true}, ...} “0” represents Monday
notesstringAdd notes to the spaceNote#1 sample



Reference: Space

PUT (Update) Space

Updates a space record

PUT {base-url}/spaces/{id}

Query Parameters

idstringThe ID of the space61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The body of the request should be a Space JSON format using the content-type header application/json.

organizationIdstringThe organization/tenant where the space will be created61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
displayNamestringThe name of the space to be displayedStore #1
typestringThe type of the space (‘location’, ‘section’)location
longitudenumberLongitude of the space59.32960273523599
latitudenumberLatitude of the space18.06886331765492
externalIdstringID of the space managed externallystore_1
countrystringThe name of the countrySweden
statestringThe name of the stateSweden
citystringThe name of the cityStockholm
addressstringThe addressStreet#1
postcodestringRepresents the postal code111 37
weeklyScheduleobjectThe normal opening hours{"0": {"from": "08:00", "to": "17:30", "isOpen": true}, ...}
notesstringAdd notes to the spaceNote#1 sample



Reference: Space


Deletes a Space record.

DELETE {base-url}/spaces/{id}

Query Parameters

idstringThe ID of the space61cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Reference: Space

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