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CLI Reference / Phygrid Developers

CLI Reference

To develop on the Phygrid Ecosystem you will need to install the Phygrid phy CLI. You can find information about setup on the CLI setup page.

This page contains all the information on the CLI and its components. If you want more in-depth information you will have to check out the guides.

!> Under Construction - This page is still evolving and doesn't contain all items. If you need a CLI command not listed use the -h command on the CLI.

Generic commands

Some commands that are useful for using the CLI itself

Help command

The help command explains how to use the CLI, can be useful for a quick reference.

phy --help
phy -h

This command can also be used within subsections of the CLI. Some examples. It works everywhere, so if you need to know any information about a specific subset, just add -h.

phy dev -h
phy module -h
phy app -h

Checking version

To check the version of the CLI, initiate the version call

phy --version
phy -V

Update CLI

To get the latest CLI version, run phy update. This will automatically check if you have the latest version, and if not, download the newest version and install potential new dependencies for you.


Within the Phygrid CLI, there's a dev subsection. This can be used to work with and debug devices.

The following commands are available on the dev CLI. They're all explained in their own subsection below.

| Command | Description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | list | List devices | | modules | List modules running on device | | logs | Show logs for a module running on device | | invoke | Execute a method on a module | | settings | Show and alter module settings | | deploy | deploy the configuration to device | | pub | Publish an event to the event bus | | sub | Retrieve recent events from the event bus | | ws | Proxy message bus via local web socket | | shell | Open a shell session to the device | | vnc | Open a VNC session to the device | | rdp | Open an RDP session to the device | | debug | Open debugger session to a screen app on a device | | forward | Access an URL from the device's local network | | move | Move device to a different organization |

All these commands can be triggered using phy dev [command]

List Devices

To retrieve the list of devices accessible for your token. This command will return the device name plus serial number.

phy dev list

There are a few flags that can be added to the command

| Flag | Description | | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | -d
--show-deleted | Shows deleted devices | | -l
--long | Add more details to the device list |

You can follow the command with a search string, which will filter the results. This can be very useful if you have a large amount of devices

phy dev list [searchstring]
phy dev list -l [searchstring]

Replace [searchstring] with whatever you want to filter on.

List Modules on Device

You can list all installed modules on a device using this command. This command will return a very extensive list of information from your device.

phy dev modules <device-name>

You should replace <device-name> with the name of the device you can find using phy dev list.


To retrieve logs from any installed module or app on a device, you can use this command.

The format for the call is as follows

phy dev logs <device-name> <module-name> [flags]

You should replace <device-name> with the device slug, which you can find through phy dev list.
You should replace <module-name> with the module slug which you can find through phy dev modules

Then of course there are several, optional, flags you can add to the command

| Flag | Description | | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -n <numlines>
--lines <numlines> | Number of lines (<numlines>) to return | | -t
--timestamp | Add the timestamp to the log | | -f
--follow | Tail the logs, this will keep streaming logs to you while this is running | | --filter <query> | Only display log messages which match your <query>. |


This subsection is dedicated to app development and management, and is nested under phy app.

There are several functions available in the app subsection of the CLI.

| Command | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | create | To create an app | | build | To build a created app to prepare it for deployment | | settings | Download settings from an existing grid app installation | | upload-settings | Upload settings to an existing grid app installation | | publish | Publish an app | | upload-description | Upload a markdown file as the description for a published app | | list | List all apps |

All these commands can be triggered using phy app [command]


To create an application you need to run the create command with the name of the application you want to create.

phy app create [app-name]

Replace [app-name] with the name of the app you want to create, it is recommended to use kebab-case for your name.

To see a guided-through guide to create an app check out Building your first app


To publish an app, make sure you have configured it correctly. Check the Building your first app guide if you don't know how.

Once you've configured your app, you are ready to publish. Run the publish command

phy app publish

Optional arguments

  • --file [filename] - To tell the publish command where the .gridapp file is located.
  • --overwrite - To overwrite the app version. Only use this when you know what you're doing.
phy app publish --file path/to/file.gridapp --overwrite


This subsection is placed under the phy tenant CLI, and currently only has one function, to list the organizations you're part of.

List organizations

phy tenant list

This will return a list of organizations you're part of, plus the organization slug you need to use to configure modules and apps.

If you want to filter the list, there is an optional parameter you can pass along that will filter it for you.

phy tenant list [search-string]

Replace [search-string] with the parameter you want to search with. This will search in both the name and the slug.

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